Coinbase to Slack Integration

Coinbase to Slack Integration
Disclaimer: This is only an example! The currencies shown below were purchased to create this document.  

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If you're anything like me, you open and toggle between 5 to 10 (or more) apps per day just for status checks. My most engaged app throughout the day is Slack, so why not consolidate some of the status check's into one centralized notification channel? I recently forgot my Coinbase password but had previously stored the API keys. With this is I figured, F the password – I'll just send this information to Slack to completely ignore the Coinbase UI (no disrespect, just didn't want to wait n-days for an account reset).


  • schedule==0.6.0
  • coinbase==2.1.0
  • slackclient==1.3.2


  • Wallet Summary
    • includes total Coinbase wallet balance, amount invested, total (current) profit, and percentage amount changed
  • Wallet Details
    • includes number of units and balance of each account in my Coinbase wallet

WalletService() comes with a service variable that instantiates WalletService class for quick use. Let's take a look at a few of its useful methods:

  • get_summary(notify=Bool) - returns a dictionary of wallet information. The summary can (and will) be modified as my account becomes more diverse. Note: when notify=True, a Slack message is sent to CHANNEL variable.
In [1]: from crypto_wallet import *

In [2]: service.get_summary()
2019-07-17 11:35:52,757 | INFO | get_summary |Collecting Summary data
2019-07-17 11:35:54,309 | INFO | get_summary |Wallet Balance Changed
Current <-51.76>
Previous <0>
2019-07-17 11:35:54,309 | INFO | get_summary |Summary Result:
{'Diff': Decimal('-51.76'), 'Balance': Decimal('114.66'), 'Invested': Decimal('166.42'), 'byPercent': -31.102031005888715}
{'Balance': Decimal('114.66'),
 'Diff': Decimal('-51.76'),
 'Invested': Decimal('166.42'),
 'byPercent': -31.102031005888715}

  • my_account_data() - returns a list of accounts where each account is a dictionary object
In [3]: service.my_account_data()
[<Account @ 0x1073cd618> {
   "allow_deposits": true, 
   "allow_withdrawals": true, 
   "balance": {
     "amount": "500.0000000", 
     "currency": "XLM"
   "created_at": "2019-07-03T20:35:10Z", 
   "currency": "XLM", 
   "id": "2d470ff6-8355-59b5-8089-c168f215cd63", 
   "name": "XLM Wallet", 
   "native_balance": {
     "amount": "41.71", 
     "currency": "USD"
   "primary": false, 
   "resource": "account", 
   "resource_path": "/v2/accounts/2d470ff6-8355-59b5-8089-c168f215cd63", 
   "type": "wallet", 
   "updated_at": "2019-07-03T20:45:19Z"
  • send_details(notify=Bool) - send and/or return details for each account with a balance != $0. Note: should return the same as my_account_data; it's main use is to format Slack messages
In [4]: service.send_details(notify=False)
[<Account @ 0x1073be990> {
   "allow_deposits": true, 
   "allow_withdrawals": true, 
   "balance": {
     "amount": "500.0000000", 
     "currency": "XLM"
   "created_at": "2019-07-03T20:35:10Z", 
   "currency": "XLM", 
   "id": "2d470ff6-8355-59b5-8089-c168f215cd63", 
   "name": "XLM Wallet", 
   "native_balance": {
     "amount": "41.48", 
     "currency": "USD"
   "primary": false, 
   "resource": "account", 
   "resource_path": "/v2/accounts/2d470ff6-8355-59b5-8089-c168f215cd63", 
   "type": "wallet", 
   "updated_at": "2019-07-03T20:45:19Z"
  • run() - starts the schedule process along with Slack's rtm_read so that my Wallet Summary gets sent to Slack every n-secs|mins|hours while I'm able to request Wallet Details via a custom command to the Bot.

Wallet Summary

"Wallet Summary" Slack notification example 

Wallet Details

cryptobot get details command sends Wallet Details as a message

Future updates to this bot will include:

  • automatically buy/sell based on predefined triggers
  • notify Slack when certain (haven't thought of them yet) conditions are met
  • perform actions to account via Slack (custom commands)
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